jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

The Ice Palace

Literature Time!!!!! 
During this first part of the year, we have been working with the American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. One of the stories we read was The Ice Palace. After working with it in class using varied resources, we decided to create a comic strip based on that. The students wrote the dialogues, worked on the illustrations and prepared a booklet with their productions.
It was a really fascinating project and they showed enthusiasm, creativity and hard work! Congrats, kids! I am really proud of you!!!! 

We hope you like it!!!!

6th Form and Miss Vero 

5 comentarios:

  1. You do look concentrated! That shows how much you enjoyed the project and explains why your productions are so good!
    You rock 6th form!
    Congrats to you all!

  2. WOW!!!!!!!!!!,guys you are so cool to do this.
    Valen 5º


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