domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2018

Science Project 2018- 6th form

Celebrating Cultural Differences 2018: Scientists

6th graders have been studying since the beginning of the year the life of Galileo Galilei, Italian astronomer, mathematician, physicist, philosopher and professor who made pioneering observations and is often considered the father of modern science.
That is why 6th form has studied in depth the solar system, topic that made Galileo observe, investigate and develop theories, ideas and resources.

As part of this project and after many classes of research, 6th form students made models of our solar system. 
Share their excitement and productions with them!

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2018

Spring Celebration 2018

Our longed-for Spring Celebration, already a tradition at CREA School, was funnier than ever!

The teams this time were inspired on birds: The Humming Birds, The Robins, The Doves and The Sparrows all flew from one game station to the next with excitement and expectation.

These are the games we played:

After the fun games, we met for a delicious picnic!

And the best part of the party was the final dance! We gathered at the SUM for some cool moves!

Spring is here at last!! Enjoy the colours, the sweet perfume and the joy in the air!!

Happy Spring, everyone!!
The English Team

Taller de Comprensión lectora- 4to, 5to y 6to grado

Cuarto, quinto y sexto grado empezaron a trabajar en el taller de comprensión de textos cada 15 días, donde iniciaron con una dinámica grupal para conocerse más y luego de manera individual cada uno hizo una propuesta distinta con el objetivo de reforzar la lectura de distintos textos, teniendo en cuenta el punto de partida de cada alumno y alumna.

Mural 7mo grado

Séptimo grado prepara su mural de despedida de la mano de Clota, nuestra profe de Arte.
Ya se viene una nueva obra de arte que quedará plasmada en nuestras paredes.

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2018

Clase especial de basquet

El viernes pasado tuvimos una clase especial de basquet a cargo de Pancho y Carla que son ex jugador y actual jugadora de este deporte.
La idea de estas clases es que los chicos aprendan y experimenten los fundamentos básicos de deportes que no practicamos todos los días, en este caso, los del basquet son: picar, pasar y lanzar la pelota.
También conocieron algunos aspectos reglamentarios y pudieron vivenciarlos desde la propia experiencia a través de juegos y actividades.
Esta clase de dúo en el marco de una situación muy especial para quienes aman el deporte que es la retirada de Manu Ginóbili, de quien también hablamos con nuestros alumnos.
Aquí compartimos algunas imágenes y videos de la hermosa jornada del viernes pasado y un regalito especial de cuando Carla compartió con Manu el amor por este deporte.
Gracias Carla y Pancho por lo que prepararon para los chicos y a los chicos por las ganas que pusieron en participar!

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2018

An english talk, a fascinating topic, a passionate speaker!

English Annual Project: Real Communication!
Celebrating Cultural Differences Project 2018: Scientists!

Last week, Carolina Domaica, immunologist and mother of Amelie from 2nd form, came to share her passion with us... in English!

She visited 2nd and 7th form and explained to us what she does at her job. We learned about viruses, bacteria and the immune system. Our students showed great interest and curiosity and asked Carolina lots of questions.

They were inspired by her presentation and amazed at the tiny but incredible world of bugs.

It was a very pleasant talk where our students could learn not only about such a complex topic but also that scientists are just ordinary people who are very curious about everything that´s around us.

Thank you for your visit, Carolina!!

The senses- 1st form

To put in practice everything they´ve been learning about the senses, 1st form prepared some delicious popcorn last week!
They reflected on what they could smell while cooking popcorn, on the sound it made as it popped, they could see the popcorn adopting a different shape and size, they also touched it and discussed how it felt, and finally tasted it.
All this was recorded in worksheets in their copybooks.
Good job, 1st form!