miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Halloween Celebration 2015

Last Monday, we celebrated at school our most awaited English party...Halloween!
Together with 7th form students, we organised kermesse-style games which were little spooky and great fun, . Take a look!

There were very few pupils that afternoon... instead, there were monsters, witches, devils, ghosts and scary creatures! Here they are, posing with their Halloween costumes. Which one do you like best? Which one scares you most?

A special thank you to 7th form students and to all parents who actively participated in creating creepy costumes!

All our love,

The English Staff

5 comentarios:

  1. I really liked Cati. I scared off Agus and Minni.

  2. ¡Qué divertido!
    Buen trabajo a todos los profes!

  3. Divertidisimo....y escalofriante!!!
    Buen trabajo English team!

  4. What a good team this shows about the sharin and learnin new things
    Valen 6°


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