martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Game On First Form!

Queridas Familias:

Debido a que en 7mo somos padrinos y madrinas de 1ro, la semana pasada compartimos una tarde de juegos, diversión y aprendizaje con nuestros pequeños amiguitos...

Preparing the games was not easy though. In groups, Marti G, Martu Z, Viole, Paz, Sofi, Maribel, Anita, Dona, Juli, Juampi, Gian, Ferchu, Rami, Santi, Juani, Tomi, and Juanchi designed 4 games, created the rules for each one of them and prepared all the materials needed!

We went downstairs to get our friends ready and we started playing...

Juli and Fernán helped them get ready...

Maribel made them sing a song!
They even had to form a pyramid!

Then, we invited the little ones to our classroom to continue playing...

No peeping allowed!

Which is the odd-one-out?

Also, we had lots of fun with our own version of the well-known "Pictionary"...

Finally, we finished our afternoon games day playing...

Unfortunately, we were all too busy having fun while playing our last game so there are no photos, but you can ask your children what it was like!

Before saying goodbye, I'd like to share some reflections made by 7th-graders:

Thanks Tati, Nadia and Fernanda for spending the afternoon with us!

1st and 7th form

7 comentarios:

  1. Congratulations 7th form on such committed and inspiring work! I'm really proud of you!

  2. Thank YOU for inviting me! It was great fun!!!
    I want to congratulate 7th form students again for the lovely games they prepared and for being such sweet models for our little first- graders!

  3. GENIOSSSSSSSS, séptimo grado se está tomando con mucha responsabilidad ser padrinos y madrinas de los chiquis del cole.

    Cae vino muy contento con sus Padrinos!!!!
    Jacky mamá de Cae

  5. Se los ve disfrutando!! Me encantó! Felicitaciones!!

  6. Se los ve disfrutando!! Me encantó! Felicitaciones!!

  7. Bravo !! a seguir compartiendo experiencias tan divertidas!!


Gracias por dejarnos tu comentario!