Our immersion camp.
We finally made it! Last year, teachers and parents embarked on this wonderful journey of immersion. Through a lot of effort, special activities and a delicious and varied kiosk, 6th form kids were able to participate on this camp, held in Mercedes. Here are some images to illustrate the fantastic experience it was.

It all started in the bus, we were the second school to be picked up, along with Euskal Echea, from Lomas de Zamora, and Oak Hill, from Núñez. We were really excited.

Some were more excited than others...

When we got there, we went through customs, and counsellors checked that we had no items in Spanish. After that, we moved to the back field (it was really large and green) and made an oath to speak any language but English.

Our rooms were clean, warm and cozy. We slept wonderfully.

The counsellors explained to us what was the camp about and we set out to paint our clans t-shirts. They were very artful.

Amazing sunset, blazing bonfire and tasty Smores.

We then applied for jobs

Doing our jobs. Everyone had something to do.

Play night. The kids wrote their own plays. Then, they designed the costumes, practiced and acted them out! It was a lot of fun.

Next day: Boot camp! It was the introduction to the Highland games. The kids had to work out in order to prepare themselves for the tiring, harsh expierience that were the true Scottish games.

Even though we had a mishap on the way back, we learned a lot about culture, art, music, English... But above all, friendship through the toughest times. We learned to support each other, to be with each other and to be better people surrounded by our dearest friends.
Thanks to each and everyone that made this possible.
We love you,
6th form.
¡Qué buena experiencia! Los chicos estaban re contentos, felicito a Danka y Agus que estuvieron en cada detalle para que este viaje sea único.
ResponderEliminarExcelente trabajo.
This is one of those life experiences you´ll never forget! I´m glad you were all able to enjoy it and learn so much from it!
ResponderEliminarLove you lots,
Son muchos los sentimientos profundos y positivos que afloran cada vez que tenemos la oportunidad de revivir semejante experiencia maravillosa.Felicidad,cooperación, dedicación, empatía y por sobre todos un gran amor por el otro.
ResponderEliminar¡Gracias Maestros! ¡Gracias Escuela!
Familia Nieto.